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Saturday, February 4Fight against Alzheimer's disease a personal one for Anne Mangum...lzheimer's takes toll on Mangum's family
READ MORE: "Anne Mangum participated in her first Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk fundraiser five years ago. That was shortly after she learned that her oldest brother, former S.C. Gov. Carroll Campbell, had been diagnosed with the disease. Campbell died of cardiac arrest on Dec. 7, 2005.'Knowing that the disease is prominent in my family made me want to find out as much as I could about it,' Mangum said. 'My grandmother had what was then called hardening of the arteries. My aunt, my mother's sister, was diagnosed with dementia. My mother's youngest brother died of Alzheimer's three years ago. And, of course, Carroll was diagnosed six years ago and died the 7th of December.'"
Thursday, February 2Receptor critical in neurodegeneration reduces Alzheimer's plaque....Yale School of Medicine
READ MORE "increasing the level of a protein that plays a key role in traumatic spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis reduces the concentration of disease-causing plaque in Alzheimer's disease, Yale School of Medicine researchers report in the Journal of Neuroscience.
'Our new findings indicate that pharmacological methods to increase the protein, NogoReceptor, may be a way to treat the deficits associated with Alzheimer's disease,' said Stephen Strittmatter, M.D., senior author of the study and co-director of the new program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair at Yale. It is well known that the clinical dementia of Alzheimer's disease is associated with specific pathological changes in the brain. One such change is deposits of the peptide beta-amyloid in brain plaques, a hallmark of the disease. Nerve fibers also play a crucial role in the neurodegenerative process of Alzheimer's disease. 'We asked whether those mechanisms that regulate nerve fiber growth might lessen the Alzheimer's disease process,' said Strittmatter, professor in the Departments of Neurology and Neurobiology." Fight against Alzheimer's disease a personal one for Anne Mangum
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: "Anne Mangum participated in her first Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk fundraiser five years ago. That was shortly after she learned that her oldest brother, former S.C. Gov. Carroll Campbell, had been diagnosed with the disease. Campbell died of cardiac arrest on Dec. 7, 2005."
Reuters: Certain drugs may impair thought process in elderly
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: "Elderly people who take anticholinergic drugs are at risk of developing intellectual deficits, even though their risk of dementia is not increased, French researchers report."
Tuesday, January 31Reuters: Flu vaccine safe for arthritis patients
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: "Adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can safely receive the flu vaccine each year as recommended, although their response to the vaccine may be somewhat lower than in healthy individuals, research hints."
Reuters: UK cost watchdog backs limited Alzheimer drug use
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: "Britain's cost-effectiveness watchdog NICE said on Monday that Alzheimer's drugs which can help, but not cure, some patients should be used in a minority of people with the degenerative brain disease."
Reuters: Coping skills improve caregivers' well being
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: A program that has been useful in improving the well being of caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients similarly benefit caregivers of cancer patients receiving end-of-life care, new study findings show.
Sunday, January 29Age-related Memory Improvement Linked with Consumption of Apples
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: "In an Institute of Food Technologists release, new research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell suggests that consuming apple juice may protect against cell damage that contributes to age-related memory loss, even in test animals that were not prone to developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias."